Thank you for visiting my portfolio website. I am excited to share my work with you!

About Me

Nice to meet you, I'm Tomo!
I am a graphic design student at Arkansas State University. I have always been passionate about art, and I decided to pursue a career in the field of graphic design to make the world a better place with my design. Timelessness and simplicity are what I value in my work, and are the core characteristics of my work.


Feel free to reach out for collaborations, inquiries, or just to say hello—I'd love to hear from you!

Semester Long
Data Visualization

I gathered a specific data for a semester and put it into a data visualization.
It was put into an interactive website.

Tokyo Train Mapping

I created a map of the subway and railroad system in the Tokyo area around my house. The map comes with multiple overlays, each showing different information.

Imperfect Writer Logo

Imperfect writer is a logo for a notebook brand.

Rogue Realms Title Card

Title Card on a streaming service for a show named Rogue Realms and Enchanted Secrets.

671 Studios Logo

A logo for an art gallery named 671 Studios.

Travel Poster Set

Travel poster set for three different world wonders.

Tomotor Logo

This logo was created in a practice to create logos only using circles.

Fields Music Festival

Branding project for an outdoor music festival named Fields.

City Stickers

City sticker series with a crescent moon theme.

DNA Sneakers

Branding Project for a shoe company named DNA Sneakers.

Process of
Info Design Poster

Poster that shows the process of creating information design.

Studio Art

Studio Art- painting, drawing, printmaking.

Data Visualization

For this project, I documented every instance of forgetfulness throughout an entire semester. At the end of the semester, I compiled this data into a website featuring an interactive data visualization. Abstract shapes and colors were employed to uniquely represent each data point, enhancing the visual experience and providing insights into the forgetfulness patterns observed over time.

Each abstract design elements has its meanings. The size represents the importance, the dot represents how long it took for me to realize, the yellow or gray dot tells you what time of the day it happened, and the color sorts them into different categories of forgetfulness.

The reasoning behind choosing abstract shapes is because it allows the viewer to see a trend at a glance. Data is boring. For most people at least. Data visualization is the challenge to make data as interesting as possible. The more you have to look into the data, the less engaging it will be.The website is designed in a way where you can sort all the data points by week, category, and time.

Tokyo Train Mapping

This map was an information design project, creating a layered map of the Tokyo train system using transparent sheets, with each layer showing different sets of information. Despite the challenges of working with these materials, such as the inability to print white, I successfully navigated the process to achieve the desired result.

I later turned the digital file into an animation. The process involved hand rendering every frame and turning the frames into an animation using photoshop.

Imperfect Writer Logo

This logo was crafted for a notebook brand named "Imperfect Writer". Imperfect Writer is a brand that embraces flaws, promotes authenticity, inclusivity, and creative exploration. It celebrates unique voices and encourages writers of all levels.

The name "Imperfect Writer" comprises two components: "imperfect" and "writer". After numerous sketches, I opted to utilize negative space and positive space for each component, stylistically combining two elements into one logo.The most challenging aspect of the process was visually conveying the concept of imperfection. Unlike physical objects, concepts without physical appearances are challenging to visualize. It necessitates an understanding not only of the word's definition but also of the general perception of the public.After several rounds of sketching and brainstorming, I found a solution in simple shapes. "Imperfect" can imply that something is lacking for perfection. So, I utilized a square, one of the most visually and geometrically perfect shapes, and removed a corner from it, symbolizing the idea of something perfect missing a part, thus rendering it "imperfect".

Rogue Realms

This title card serves as the introduction to a fantasy show available on a streaming service. The project aimed to establish a clear hierarchy within the limited elements presented. Key composition principles including contrast in typography, legibility, readability, and the rule of thirds were meticulously applied and considered throughout the design process.

The original image underwent editing in Photoshop using AI tools (generative expand, content aware move, etc.) to enhance its composition and achieve improved balance in visual elements.

Six Seventy One Studios

This is a logo created for an art gallery named 671 studios. Working with numbers presented a unique challenge – balancing readability with creativity and simplicity suitable for a logo.

Using a grid system for the final logo facilitated the successful integration of numbers, ensuring alignment, consistency, and precision in their placement within the design. Employing a geometric form contributed to the logo's simplicity, sophistication, and readability, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal and ensuring clear communication of the numerical elements within the design.

Travel Poster Set

This was a project to create an informational poster featuring three natural wonders of the world: the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Barrier Reef. We were initially assigned one of these wonders for our first poster, and later had the option to create a poster set featuring all three.This project provided valuable lessons in typography, including when to use or avoid white text on a black background, as well as vice versa. It also taught me about type sizing requirements for different parts of the document.


This logo was created in a logo design exercise where I could only combine circles to create a logo design. This method is used in many logos such as the twitter and apple logo to name a few famous ones.

This project was a journey of evolution for my work, where significant growth occurred throughout the process..The initial iterations of the logo design fell short of expectations and didn't meet the desired standard. The logo suffered from numerous issues, primarily its overcrowded design with an excessive number of elements. The dilemma centered around whether to include wheels or not. As shown below, while incorporating wheels led to a cluttered appearance, omitting them resulted in a design that resembled a boat rather than a car. Balancing these elements proved to be a significant struggle in achieving a cohesive and effective logo.

The solution proved to be remarkably simple yet highly effective and successful. It was as if a lightbulb suddenly illuminated my thoughts. Realizing that the wheel didn't necessarily have to be a complete circle, but rather incorporating a single negative space in the rear wheel area, instantly transformed the logo into a perfect representation of a car. This small adjustment brought clarity and coherence to the design, resolving the previous challenges with ease.

The final goal of the project was to combine the logo mark with a logo type. I didn't have a name to go with this logo so I played around with my first name Tomo and the word motor to coin the name Tomotor. The mark was a stylish and modern design so I used a geometric sans serif font for the logo type. This mix of a sleek mark and contemporary font captured the brand's essence, giving it a unified and visually appealing identity.


Fields is a branding project that I did for an outdoor music festival. The process involved designing the logo, creating the visual identity, and designing collateral merchandise for the event.

The logo draws inspiration from the serene beauty of a sunset, the melodic charm of a guitar, and the lush greenery of vast fields. It incorporates these elements harmoniously to create a visually captivating design.

The event staff badges icons are designed to seamlessly complement the overall design system. These icons are designed to enhance the visual identity of the event, reinforcing its themes while providing clear and cohesive branding for event staff badges.

City Stickers

This is a travel sticker series representing big cities with a crescent moon theme. The moon theme was added to give a soothing, warm, and welcoming atmosphere to the design. The challenge was to incorporate iconic monuments and landmarks from each city without clutter.

DNA Sneakers

This is a branding project I completed for a shoe company called DNA Sneakers. I began by crafting the logo, aiming to avoid overt design tropes associated with DNA, such as the double helix spiral, which can feel overused. Instead, I subtly integrated the DNA motif into the letter “D” to create a logo type. The chosen color scheme conveys a sense of tranquility and calmness, with a hint of mystery.

Information Design Process

This poster was designed to illustrate the process of information design. Careful consideration was given to the hierarchy among its elements and the overall cohesion between content, typography, and illustrations.

Studio Art
